ESP8. 26. 6 Arduino ESP8. If you have wondered, if is it possible run your sketch on the ESP8. UNO board.  Yes it is possible, without using your UNO board. Just download the setup and start developing from the familiar Arduino IDE. Upload your programs direct to ESP8. ESP8. 26. 6 by pressing the button upload in Arduino. Use the standard sketches like blink or use the basic examples like wifiblink. Arduino programs running on your ESP8. US wifi enabled board. Dont forget to  check the example page. Arduino Setup CodeArduino Setup And LoopArduino SetupArduino SetupArduino Setup Free DownloadReference Home. World War 1913 Game. Corrections, suggestions, and new documentation should be posted to the Forum. The text of the Arduino reference is licensed under a Creative Commons. Instructions and an example of how to program the ESP8266 with the Arduino IDE. The example is a Smarthouse gadget project. As you may be aware from my previous post I recently was in the market for a more accurate replacement for the DS1307 RTC clock. I tried with a DS3234 but its SPI.