TRY A FREE LESSON, WE THINK YOULL LIKE IT Look through the website, choose any 99 to 4. Ill send you. Learn the 10 most popular chord progressions with practical examples for guitar tabsaudio a list of songs that use similar chord progressions. Learn how to play jazz guitar, the fun and easy way. Be inspired by our free guitar lessons on chords, scales, arpeggios more. Dowload our free eBook now. Bebop Scale Formulas, Fingerings, Patterns, and Licks. The bebop scale an 8note scale that uses passing notes to create tension and release in your improvised solos. Study jazz piano online with JazzPianoOnline. Watch online video jazz piano lessons from your Mac, PC or touchscreen device. The great Thelonious Monk tune Blue Monk arranged for jazz guitar. PDF audio lesson with TABS included. Bebop Licks Guitar Pdf Lessons' title='Bebop Licks Guitar Pdf Lessons' />How to Play Bebop Scales on Guitar. Learn Jazz Chords and Comping Techniques with a 3. Day Practice Program. When it comes to learning scales on the guitar, theres certainly no shortage with so many to learn, so which ones do musicians actually use and incorporate into their playing that will make you a better jazz guitarist Well theres no shortcut for knowing the major scale, its the most important scale for any musician to learn because countless scales, modes, and shapes are derived from it, and its essential that a thorough knowledge of this scale is established before working through this lesson. This article will investigate the four common bebop scales and how you can incorporate them into your guitar playing by creating bebop lines from them to use in improvisation. Why use bebop scalesUsing modes and major scales for playing over changes is great and you need to be able to do it, but bebop scales give us some extra flavour that can be used to embellish the fundamental scales. For example if you used a major scale to improvise over a major chord only notes within that chord harmony are produced which is great but bebop scales allow use add some extra notes that are not diatonic within the scale which will be explored. For each of the three main chord types major, minor and dominant there is a bebop scale that can be used to achieve some of these crunchier sounds. Bebop scales are 8 note scales so they fit the 44 time signature very well because when a bebop scale is played in eighth notes each chord tone lands on a downbeat, and the non diatonic notes land on an upbeat that creates tension and resolution. Major Bebop Scale. The major bebop scale is just a regular C major scale but with an added b. Major Bebop Scale Formula   R, 2, 3, 4, 5, b. Major Bebop Scale in C C, D, E, F, G, Ab, A, B, C. The major bebop scale can be used over any major 7th chord so 6, 69, major 9, major 7 and the many variations. How To Get A Notary Public License In Ny. Below is a practical fingering for a two octave major bebop scale and a lick  that uses the major bebop scale lick which you can apply to tunes that you are working on. Click the play button below each example to hear how it sounds. Once you have the major bebop scale under your fingers start to create lines using it. Here is a Bill Evans style lick that uses the major bebop scale, note how the b. Minor Bebop Scale. There are two minor bebop scales that jazz musicians use, the first one has the same notes as a Dorian mode but with an added major 3rd. Minor Bebop Scale Formula R, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, b. Minor Bebop Scale in the C C, D, Eb, E, F, G, A, Bb. This is a great bebop scale, but its worth noting that in a II V I this will just give you the same notes as the dominant 7th bebop scale. D 7 Bebop Scale D, E, F, F, G, A, B, CG7 Bebop Scale  G, A, B, C, D, E, F, F, GThis minor bebop scale can be used to play over minor 7th chords and its various chord types such as minor 7th, minor 6, minor 9, minor 1. Check out the example below for a two octave fingering of this scale. The second minor bebop scale has no major 3rd but has a raised 7th as well as a flattened 7th, so it is like a melodic minor scale with one extra note, the flattened 7th. Minor Bebop Scale 2 Formula R, 2, b. Minor Bebop Scale in the key of C C, D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb, BHere is an efficient two octave finger that you can use for this scale followed by a cool II V I lick using this scale. Check out this cool lick that used the minor bebop scale. Note the use of the b. Dominant Bebop Scale. The last bebop scale to look at is the dominant 7th bebop scale. As mentioned earlier it has the same notes as the first minor bebop scale but it can be used effectively in its own right. The dominant bebop scale is a mixolydian scale but with an added major 7th note. Dominant Bebop Scale Formula R, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, b. Dominant Bebop Scale in C C, D, E, F, G, A, Bb, BHere is a two octave fingering of the dominant bebop scale. There is a very common part that comes from the dominant 7th bebop scale that every jazz guitar should know which is R, 7, 7, 9th, 6th, 4th. The following example shows how the pattern can be used in a II V I situation. Notice by starting this pattern on beat 3 it resolves perfectly into a one chord by landing on the 3rd on the 1st beat. This dominant 7th pattern sounds even more effective when combined with the popular Coltrane 1. Notice there is a slight variation on the bebop scale pattern here the 4th note has been changed to the root instead of the 9th but both would work well equally well. This pattern can also work great just over the V chord like in the following example. Notice the use of another common jazz pattern here, the honeysuckle rose lick is used to start the line in bar 1. Remember that all these dominant bebop scale patterns can be applied over minor 7th chords too because they contain the same notes and that each of the licks you learn can be applied over different chords. Hopefully this lesson has been useful in showing you how to play bebop scales and use them in your jazz guitar playing. Do you have a way of practicing or using bebop scales not discussed in this articleShare your comments below. Jamie Holroyd Guitar Frequently Asked Questions. Check out any link below for the answers to my top 1. I am asked by students, teachers, readers, and subscribers. Home1. 91. 12. Country Guitar For Beginners Book OUT NOW After months of work, my first book is finally out This marks a monumental step in my career, as Im finally a publisher author Thats an incredible feeling and Im very proud of how the book turned out, so please do take a look at it here. Over the course of the 1. Ill take you from creating basic backbeats in country rhythm playing, all the way through playing solos with licks outlining chord changes. With over 1. 70 audio examples, and even more musical examples, I do believe that theres not a more detailed manual on the subject. Buy Paperback on Amazon. Buy Kindle Version2. Officially on Patreon. Another long delay between posts, but Im back with some big news Im now on Patreon If youre unfamiliar with Patreon, check out the link and see my story, why Im there and what I hope to achieve by being there. Essentially, Im hoping that Ill be able to bring you unfiltered content and tutorials on Youtube, along with interactive transcription events and lessons. Im really excited to see what the future holds here, so if its something you want to be a part of, click the link and check it out https www. Out of the Ashes Officially Released2. Out of the Ashes Release Date Announcment. At long last the official release date for Hellcat Mollys debut album, Out of the Ashes, has been announced as the 2. December on Bandcamp, with the record seeing a further release on December 2. Tunes, Amazon, Google Play, Beats, Shazam, Spotify and many others. The album can currently be pre ordered on Band. Camp where youll get 3 tracks now if you want to buy the record, or you can just stream them to see what its all about so why not give it a spin Hellcat Molly T Shirts. You can now order this killer Out of the Ashes shirt designed by Joe Latham of Look Happy. His work is absolutely wonderful and hes been an absolute pleasure to work with if you need anyone for design, he comes highly recommended. The high quality screen printed shirt can be ordered on the album indiegogo page the perfect Christmas present perhaps What I can say is that this makes a huge difference to me, so thanks again for your continued support. This design is limited to just 5. Get one while they lastThe album is in mixing now expect news soonBlog and Newsletter. It should come as no surprise that I enjoy writing. I like to think Im good enough at it that someone might enjoy reading it, after all, Im paid to do it. Im also a big fan of social commentary, truth, offensive satire and all things entertaining. Ive admired the work of Maddox, Jim Sterling, Sean Locke, Frankie Boyle, Jim Jefferies etc for years, so I thought. You can now check it out here Give it a spin, and try to enjoy it. If you leave offended, entertained and self reflective. Ive done my job On a side note to keep you up to date with all postings, Ive set up a newsletter excuse the pop up as all these hours of work feel lost  if Im having to find you on social media time and time again. Please consider signing up to the newsletter and Ill email you once a month or something and link you to new things to read along with other cool stuff Ill never sell your info or spam you. New Lick. Library DVD Chop Shop. Really happy to see another Lick. Library DVD finally see a release This time Im opening up my chop shop and showing you some of the ways Ive taken the tried and tested alternate picking, legato, sweeping and tapping ideas and developed them into something thats characteristically a little bit more me and less exercise Youll also learn 3 solos from the upcoming record. Official Video For Hellcat Mollys First Single. After an amazing couple of months on Indie. Go. Go, our campaign is coming to an end and is fully fundedWeve been working hard and are now unveiling the first single to keep you all interested while we finish the album thanks so much for your support so far1. Levi Launched Indie. Go. Go Campaign to Fund Album. This morning I finally launched the crowd fund for my first ever album, Hellcat Molly Out of the Ashes. Its a scary moment in my life as theres a lot of change happening. Theres gains, loss, risks and rewards and every song on this album covers that feeling. Its a personal statement and something I just feel I need to share with the world. Weve been live for half a day and were already at 2. I hope we can make it to 1. Please check the video out, read the page, donate and share it with your friends because I just cant do this without you Hellcat. Molly0. Levi Joins DAddario. Its an amazing feeling to announce that Im officially part of the DAddario and Planet Waves family. Over the years Ive adamantly stood by the idea that strings are strings and that as long as youre paying the same price as any other brand youll get a quality product. I really did feel that way until DAddario kindly sent me a box of their new NYXLs which are the best strings Ive ever used. Outside of the strings, theyve sent me various products that I also love like the micro tuner, the XLR8 string cleaner, cables, string winders etc. Its an honor to officially be a part of a family Ive admired for many years0. Clinic Announcement. Its a great pleasure to announce that in early 2. Ill be teaching for a full day alongside my friends and colleagues Sam Bell, Lewis Turner and Tom Quayle down in Kent. You can expect it to be a day of technique, theory, composition and all things music and Im sure that between the four of us, well be able to take your playing to the next level, so dont miss it Lewis at Lewis. Turner. Sam. Bell. Guitar. Levi. Clay. Lewis. Turner. Guitar. Tom. Quayle. co. uk1. DVD Release Easy Funk Fusion. After the success of Easy Blues Fusion a Lick. Library annual best seller its a real treat to be able to bring out another DVD in the same vein, so here we have it Easy Funk Fusion. For fans of my first video, you can expect the same level of detail, but this time applied to the melodic minor scale and the use of it as a colour on a minor 7 chord. This is presented in the easiest way possible so no matter what level youre at, you can get going right away. To go one further than my last DVD I took the time to make a proper backing track this time with some non diatonic chord changes for you to apply these licks to, along with a series of exercises on fretboard visualization and modulation skills. Check out the DVD belowhttp www. Single release Forever Again. Im so happy to be sharing this with you as we spent a lot of time working on this material. Weve got a ton more in the pipeline but everyone is busy with their own projects that this felt like it was going a bit stale, so I decided to put it up for you all to enjoy. Vocals and Bass David DAndrade. Guitars Levi Clay. Guitars Doug Cartwright. Drums Leigh Costanza. Produced, mixed mastered by David DAndrade0. Easy Blues Fusion DVD Out Now It brings me great pleasure to announce that my first instructional DVD is available now from Lick. Library. Im blown away with the level of support weve had on this one, so expect volume 2 soon enough On the DVD we look at a blues in Bb and focus on outlining dominant 7 chords more tightly, so arpeggios, mixolydian scales and chord tone targeting across chords in 3 different keys. Also, if you order the DVD Im sending out a bonus lesson on chords which you can download instantly from your inbox. Check out the DVD belowhttp www. Ask. Fm. Theres some big news in the pipeline and another big site update waiting to happen, but in the meantime http ask. Levi. Clay. Check out my ask. New Look and Updates. It really is criminal how long its been since Ive given you all an update so here it finally is As you can see, things look a little different now, theres a fantastic logo designed by my friend Lamer too which I have on a few shirts and a mousematWork has been crazy, from Lick.