Writing. Fix Quality Teaching Resources for K 1. How this website came to be. Teachers should share with each other, and the Internet is the perfect tool for promoting sharing. My name is Corbett Harrison, and in 1. I bought this domain name Writing. Fix. com because I wanted to launch a website where innovative ideas focused on K 1. I dont know why I enjoy teaching writing so much, but I do. I like it so much, in fact, that when I was asked to start designing professional development courses on writing instruction way back when, I jumped at the chance. I have been fortunate in that I have had so many great mentors over my 2. From these amazing and generous mentors, I borrowed and adapted writing strategies and teaching ideas, and then I began sharing those adaptations with other educators during inservice courses which I was designing mostly to pay the bills that earning my Masters Degree had created for me. Back in 1. 99. 9, I was one of the first teacher trainers in our area to provide electronic resources before, during and after teacher inservice courses. For ten years after establishing Writing. Fix, my wife Dena and I continued to design inservice courses that were purposefully different in them, teachers were required to collaborate and actually design new lessons they would implement with their own students so that they might ask our inservices other participants for revision advice. Through this make and take style of teacher workshop, I saw some truly great lessons being created I also saw some stinkers, and its important to be honest about that. Creative Writing Book' title='Creative Writing Book' />Creative Writing Book For Senior High SchoolCreative Writing Books For BeginnersThe teacher built lessons that were truly outstanding, well, they needed to be shared. Dena and I had been stocking Writing. Fix with our own inservice materials and student samples, and now it was time to ask teacher participants if they would mind us including the lessons they had created at the Writing. Providing educators and students access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction. Elizabeth Gilbert muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses and shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person being a genius. An inspiring creative writing workshop in Toronto. A great way to start writing, jump start your stalled writing, or push your writing to a new level. Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical. Bird by Bird Some Instructions on Writing and Life Anne Lamott on Amazon. FREEshipping on qualifying offers. Thirty years ago my older brother, who was ten. Fix website too. Some were so excited to be asked. Some were too shy to grant permission to post them, which makes sense if you think that, in its heyday, Writing. Fix was receiving over 2. That kind of traffic can be intimidating. Writing. Fixs best growth happened during the time I served as Director of the Northern Nevada Writing Project 2. Being Director allowed me to seek out new grant monies, and it was so helpful to already have a tried and tested make and take model of inservice ready to share with the potential grantors I met with. Our NNWP was pursuing some pretty innovative ideas for new, research driven inservice courses back then. How To Delete Compressed Old Files Manually Update more. With a promise to the grantors that a brand new webpage of teacher built lessons and resources would be one of the outcomes of the class if they helped us pay for it, we impressed a lot of people, and we did some pretty great stuff with the grants we then earned. In a very short period of time, we doubled and then tripled the number of lessons and resources posted at Writing. Fix, and we kept being discovered more and more teacher followers who eventually saw us as one of the best places to go if you wanted an innovative idea for teaching writing. One of my favorite grants we earned bought all 1. Pod in exchange for this small piece of technology, participants simply had to design and implement a writing lesson based on the lyrics of a song. We hired some of our best K 1. NNWP teacher presenters to write model lessons that used songs as their mentor texts, we paid those presenters stipends to come share their lessons with our classes participants, we selected the very best lessons written by those same class participants, and with permission we posted those lessons alongside our presenters lessons at our i. Pods and Song Lyrics Lesson Page at Writing. Fix. It was a pretty creative way to enhance an already established website, and our writing projects reputation as a professional development provider soared to new heights both locally and nationally. At the local level, we had never been asked to provide so many courses and workshops as we were during these years at the national level, we were admired as writing project site that had used the Internet to create a well respected national presence. Oh, youre from Nevada, other writing project members would say to me at conferences. You guys have that really great website. Writing. Fix became that place where inspired teachers were sharing inspiring lessons and ideas. In 2. 01. 0, the National Writing Project despite its amazing reputation as an effective provider of professional development that changes teachers practices had its budget horribly slashed. With just barely enough money to keep its basic functions going, our local Northern Nevada Writing Project had to stop providing sponsorship to Writing. Advanced Get 9.1 Cracked. Fix. It was too bad too. We had some great new directions planned for the website, but there was no money available to implement those plans. Keeping a popular website online can be expensive about 1. With our NNWPs economic crash, all planned growth for Writing. Fix went directly to the back burner, and it has now remained there for so long that I am convinced the Writing. Fix website is a completed project. Writing. Fix, however, should NOT go away Dena and I decided that we would take over paying the bill for all annual fees that keep the website online and free to use. The lessons that were created and posted between 2. Internet for all teachers to find and use we know there are brand new teachers out there just discovering Writing. Fix for the first time, and they deserve to have access to these resources. Perhaps some day, a grantor will read this page and send Dena and me a sizeable check so that we can organize and give Writing. Fix another chance at another heyday, but we doubt that will happen. We are ultimately happy with what the website became during the ten years that we had support and funding to keep it alive and strong. While in its heyday, Writing. Fix was truly one of the most exciting projects Ive ever been involved with. I ultimately watched hundreds and hundreds of our local K 1. Face to face in class, they inspired each other while sharing these lessons, and then the lessons we chose to post at the website went on to be used by tens of thousands of Writing. Fixs national and international followers. Dena and I are both still creating new lessons and posting them online at our own websites. You can find our newest, Common Core friendly resources for writing instruction at Corbetts Always Write website and Denas Write in the Middle website. Both of us are still Writing. Fix users. Corbett, who is currently teaching gifted and talented 6th 1. Writing. Fix resources below Dena, who is a K 8 Writing Specialist, shares her four favorite resources below. We hope you find time to explore them Back to the top of page Celebrating our NWP Colleagues Independent Work in the Area of Writing Instruction It was so interesting to watch. We gave a lot of Nevada teachers a little extra confidence in their lesson building skills by publishing their innovative lessons here at Writing. Fix during our inservice classes. Inspired by the process, some of those teachers then went on to create their own resources independently, including their own websites which you can access from the left hand margin, just below that Twitter logo. We happily celebrate our teachers post Writing. Fix work here in this space.