Convert between Auto. CAD DXF DWG, ESRI Shapefile, Google Maps KML, and GPXBulk Auto. CAD DXF to Shapefile Converter for Windows and Mac. If the simple tool above is insufficient for your needs, consider the Bulk DXF to Shapefile Converter. EARTHCHANGE MAPS AND MAP DATABASE. Web Sites For Earth Change Maps. L. A. AWARE EARTHQUAKE MAPS thru 2008. L. A. AWARE EARTHQUAKE MAPS 2009. This tool will allow you to convert one or more Auto. CAD DXF files into shapefiles in one pass. Note that this converter does not support DWG, only DXF. Each individual DXF file is converted into four files one for each geometry type, and one for text. For example, if you convert c datatest. In addition to geometry, the DXF layer names are preserved as an attribute table field. ZJPDUlU9Otn3yFgnJTHgAg.jpg' alt='Europe Map Shapefile' title='Europe Map Shapefile' />Any custom coloring or thicknesses are also stored as attributes, and any label rotation is saved in the text. The desktop version can also handle more complex entities such as LWPOLYLINE bulge values. The converter includes a GUI Graphical User Interface allowing you to select multiple files for batch conversion, or you can pass a single filename to it via command line, useful for use with other tools, scripts, or batch processes. Europe Map Shapefile' title='Europe Map Shapefile' />Google Maps Google Earth. Google Maps GM on the web and Google Earth GE as a 3. D interactive atlas software application are ideal tools for sharing geographical information in a simple way. JPY Japanese Yen Latest News, Analysis and Forex. Latest JPY market news, analysis and Japanese Yen trading forecast from leading. Executive Summary This report summarizes the activities, products and projects completed by the U. S. Army Europe USAREUR Sustainable Range Program SRP Geographic. A quick tutorial to SpatiaLite a Spatial extension for SQLite Table of Contents. Preparing to start. What you need to begin 1. The test2. 3. sqlite database. GE as a mass market visualization product is definitely a new step in the evolution of mapping and GIS, especially in the way it can be used with a couple of mouse clicks by anybody not expert in cartography. So this webpage is the MIS contribution to this unique method of information gathering to share detailed information in the marine domain waiting Google 3. D Maps for Oceans may be with Google Oceans as a product name, but name can change on its launch probably on the 2nd of February, 2. Snakes For The Divine Rar here. Google project under research to create visualization tools for marine data throughout the world and will enable users to navigate below the sea surface. The GIS objects supported by PostGIS are a superset of the Simple Features defined by the OpenGIS Consortium OGC. As of version 0. 9, PostGIS supports all the. OGCR standards are technical documents that detail interfaces or encodings. Software developers use these documents to build open interfaces and encodings into. Google launched on Tuesday a platform based on its satellite imagery and mapping system, Google Earth, which allows you to know more about the Amazonian lands and. Convert files between AutoCAD DXF and DWG, ESRI Shapefile, and KML for Google Maps and Google Earth, among other formats. Categorised list of freely available GIS datasets. Includes everything from administrative boundaries to population, and from terrorist incidents to global vegetation. Ltf94Rh9UGXXy5EqZ0IPnw.jpg' alt='Europe Map Shapefile' title='Europe Map Shapefile' />CNET articleHow inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean. Sir Arthur C. Clarke. Indeed, Google launched in 2. Google Oceans Advisory Council with 1. D map of the oceans. Some think that this could be an underwater version of Google Earth which could stimulate a lot of new interest in oceanography for showing sea behaviours, changing temperatures, weather patterns. To get some ideas of the features we hope to see in this future implementation Geo. Coast. Pilot and Geo. Nav. 3D by CCOMUNH. COVE, a visual environment for Ocean Observatories. Europe Map Shapefile' title='Europe Map Shapefile' />Virtual Ocean, a WW Java application developed at LDEO as part of the Marine Geoscience Data System MGDS. So waiting this new software arrives, just, click on the different Placemarks links and you will be able to discover different marine data from your desktop. Google just releases a new version of Google Earth v. February 2. 00. 9allowing the exploration of the oceansTake a plunge into the oceans of the worldGoogle Earth v. Submarine cables. Open this Placemark. Note waiting the arrival of seafloor DTM in future versions of GE 3. D ocean mapping is on a to do list of possible future enhancements, according to Google Earth CTO Michael Joness GIS day talk, all the geographical positions of the submarine cables are given in negative altitudes depths. Shipwrecks French coastsdata courtesy of narcose. Brittany, France, converted from ED5. WGS8. 4reproduction authorization from Michel, diver and creator of the original websiteNote as its impossible to load several thousands of markers directly with Google Maps, MIS has developed some tools to achieve this feature, allowing to set and run a geographical database Postgre. SQLPost. GIS with all the data for order to only plot selective markers on the displayed map corresponding to the screen area. Coastal orthophotodata from siglittoral Ortholittorale 2. Lambert IIe NGF Mr. Sid format. Open these Placemarks 2. Note originally, MIS has developed in 2. Google Earth. It seems there is some tricky behaviour in Google Earth concerning image overlays all tiles fade out at the edges global MIP map image processing tool chain issue concerning their client image overlay component therefore the tiles are overlapping to get a seamless image. But we have choosen to not artificially overlap the different mosac tiles cheating in the original positions of the edges in the goal to conserve a seamless vision. With the arrival of kml v. MIS proposes network links GM or GE solutions with possibilities of including affordable web hosting solutions see Geo. Garage to allow easy and speedy visualization of large overlay areas such as high resolution aerial orthophotos. So Ortholittorale 2. Geo. Garage is able to manage a colossal volume of imagery. Actually, about 2. GSD have been downloaded from siglittoral website. These coastal low tide orthophotographies different from those presented on the Geoportail french national geoportal covering all the Atlantic and Channel French littoral area represents 3. Gb of Mr. Sid compressed image data 3. Gb in Geo. TIFF format. They have been mosaiced with Quadtrimageo process developped by MIS, generating about 3 millions of PNGJPG small georeferenced raster tiles hosted by the Geo. Garage web spatial image server. Brest Metropole Oceane tiles originally in Lambert I NGF jpeg format available under Creatice Commons license Brest Moulin Blanc Harbour with Oceanopolis, aerial photo realized in september 2. Open this Placemark Oceanopolis. NEW right now MIS proposes network links GM or GE solutions with possibilities of including affordable web hosting solutions see Geo. Garage to allow easy and speedy visualization of large overlay areas such as high resolution aerial orthophotos. MIS has created some network links from the original file from Brest Metropole Ocane. ECW format 1. 1. Coastal aerial photosdata from SHOM French aerial photos of the French Atlantic 2. Spanish border to Saint Malo and Mediterranean 6. GE markers with direct hyperlinks to French Hydrographic Service website which sells these photos in high resolution 3. Marine raster chartdata from Iroise Marine Park chart describing wildlife, flora and sea resident in the Iroise Marine Park France originally in pdf converted in png image 6. NOAA nautical chart originally in BSB. Mercator projection NAD8. NEW right now with kml version 2. GE v. 4, MIS proposes network links GM or GE solutions allowing to fetch KML data from remote servers. MIS offers affordable web hosting solutions Geo. Garage to allow easy and speedy visualization of large overlay areas such as very high resolution maps. BSB chart network linkfor GE v. Casco Bay chart BSB1. Phoenix Marie Gape Lovers 9. About 1. 01. 8 NOAA raster nautical charts RNCBSBKAP format stored in the Geo. Garage can be viewed online with Google Maps public access or Google Earth private access with advanced quilting process mosaic image with removed borders map collars for a seamless rendering display of multiple charts. So the user can access through Google viewers to all the range of NOAA raster maps, zooming in and out, panning in a continuous way for selecting the specified map scale automatically so the appropriate map, by simply sliding the mouse roll. NOAA maps in Google Earth video the network link is available through some private accesswith Google Maps, in full screen with full transparency management via layer opacity sliders for terrestrial maps and orthophoto overlay and Google local search marinas, harbour services. NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION1. Google gives the ability to show simple kmlkmz files as made in GE in GM so you can add your own imagery directly on top of GM. To view a kml or kmz file on GM, just go to GM, and instead of searching for a geographical address, search for a complete web address including the http part of your kmz file. But this is only OK for crude display of low resolution raster files and with some approximated geo positionning GM uses Mercator projection and GE Plate Carre geographical projection. NEW as the size of the chart is important, you will see its quite long or even impossible to view the map using kml embedded raster file solution so the basic overlayer in GM is not appropriate in this case without any raster tiling solutions. Thats why MIS has developed the Geo. Garagespatial image server solution which can also be associated to the Google Maps viewer raster charts tiling solution, with hosting possibilities.