Guitar Geek Game' title='Guitar Geek Game' />Classical guitar ensemble arrangements of Renaissance music, Bach, and Christmas carols. PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC Gaming News, Reviews, Cheats. Visceral is dead, long live Visceral. Guitar Geek Game' title='Guitar Geek Game' />Guitar Geek GameGuitar Geek GameKiller Halloween Rock Songs. If youre looking for the Monster Mash you may look elsewhere. Halloween is handily the most rock n roll friendly holiday, as the music that initially frightened parents and authority figures can always take particular inspiration from the vibes that are generally put forth on this most unholy of nights. Weve compiled 3. Weve tried to arrange this like a double LP four sides of music for your listening pleasure. Crank em up, and make your own suggestions in the comments You can also enjoy this as a Spotify playlistTheme from The BlobBurt Bacharach. For the record, this tune is credited to imaginary vocal group The Five Blobs which kinda speaks for itself. Ive included the actual films opening credits for this, so you can get sucked into that acoustic guitar bit over the Paramount logo before the hypnotic spiral comes in to make you sufficiently stoned to get the most out of the rest of this list. I defy you not to sing this to yourself for the rest of the day as the tune creeps and leaps and glides and slides its way into your brain. In fact, heres a TEN HOUR LOOP of it for the more adventurous among you. Happy Halloween. The WitchThe Sonics. This may be blasphemy, but if not for this one song, The Sonics would probably be considered a fairly tame, forgettable early 6. So thank god for this primitive, staccato wonderment which predated all those witch songs that would come along a decade later with its cautionary tale of the new girl in town, the one with the long black hair and long black car who may or may not be a witch. Your GhostKristin Hersh. Few songs about hauntings have the emotional impact of Your Ghost, taken from Kristin Hershs 1. Hips and Makers. Ostensibly a metaphor that compares the lingering impact of a failed relationship to a spirit hanging around ones home, the tune deeply evokes feelings of dread the chorus of I think last night, you were driving circles around me and the general malaise that comes from being left to wander the world feeling soulless after someone you love has left you. Adobe After Effects Cs5 Chroma Key Effects more. Adding to the ennui this track inspires are some genuinely chilling background vocals from Michael Stipe, that just add to the delicious sadness Your Ghost excels at. Night of the Living Dead The Misfits. This list could literally be just a list of Misfits songs, so this was a hard choice. Play Whacking Games and Hitting Games online at Whack It. Whack and hit things such as nerds, bad guys, your boss and famous people. Hitting and cartoon violent games. How to Tell the Difference Between Nerds and Geeks. Youre a geek Youre a nerd Is that a compliment, a diss, or what What does that even mean, anyway It can. In the early days, these boys from New Jersey wrote almost exclusively about the horror business but this catchy gem sticks out as one of the best of their catalog. George RomeroSprites. You probably have never heard of this indie rock tribute to the King of the Zombies, and thats okay. Just knowing that it exists out there in the world is reason enough to celebrate. Name checking horror greats like Romero cohort Tom Savini and Dario Argento, this track is a delightful sing songy celebration of the horror movies that makes the season so unforgettably spooky. And the attention all shoppers. Dawn of the Dead sample that kicks off the tune is absolutely inspired. Pretty VisitorsThe Arctic Monkeys. GB_EN/orig/0/6/8/6/2/686214.jpg' alt='Guitar Geek Game' title='Guitar Geek Game' />The Arctic Monkeys finally reached US superstardom with last years slinky, sexy album AM, but the bands back catalog features much more snarly, hard rocking fare. No song gets much more viciously plodding then the ferocious Pretty Visitors, from the bands dark, psychedelic third record, Humbug. Pretty Visitors, has a sinister Hammond organ and lead singer Alex Turner almost rapping scathing lyrics and talking about the titular visitors waving their arms, projecting the shadow of a snake pit on the wall. Dead SoulsJoy Division. The poster boys for Post Punk existentialism, Joy Division practically invented the goth subculture thanks to their gloomy lyrics and disconnected, often otherworldly melodies. That you could dance to their music too is something of a minor miracle. The 1. 98. 0 hanging suicide of Ian Curtis is still a subject so raw that the groups enduring legions of fans continue to mourn him, yet the music he left behind richly textured and filled with the genuine pain that hopefully few of us will have to endure in our lives has actually brought considerable light to the world. We wish that Curtis stayed with us longer, but are also thankful that he shared his considerable gifts while he was here. Dead Souls is a typically extraordinary tune from the group that examines the sublime discontent that Joy Division made their calling card. A duel of personalities that stretch all true realities indeed. ZombiGoblin. To musically spruce up his version of George Romeros Dawn of the Dead the famed so called Eurpoean cut released as Zombi, Dario Argento brought in talented Italian gloom rockers Goblin. The arguable highlight of their score is Zombi, an unnerving synth heavy jam that isnt afraid to get funky. In other words, you could totally dance to this while the world goes to shit. So maybe keep this one nearby on November 8th if things dont go wellSweet TransvestiteTim Curry. Regardless of your thoughts on The Rocky Horror Picture Show and its attendant subculture, we are certain of one thing if you dont like Sweet Transvestite you dont like rock n roll. That guitar kicks in at 5. Tim Currys raised eyebrow zero fucks given vocal. Spider Baby ThemeLon Chaney Jr. Its one of the top five Greatest Movie Theme Songs of All Time. The credits sequence of Jack Hills low budget 1. Lon Chaney Jr. himself growling and cackling his way through a musical Halloween poem that calls up all the usual suspects, vampires, mummies, spiders, ghouls, werewolves, and Frankensteins, and invites them all to a cannibal orgy. While the song is intentionally goofy and sets the perfect tone for the film to come, its also unintentionally a stand alone Halloween novelty song that could give Bobby Boris Pickett a run for his money. Season of the WitchLuna. For their remake of 1. Donovan freakout favorite Season of the Witch, Luna decided to heighten the already pretty damn greatness factor of the original. How By having the vocalizations of lead singer Dean Wareham the cooler among you may remember his previous band, Galaxie 5. And with that, your Halloween bash just turned into a rad makeout party. Evil EyeFranz Ferdinand. Franz Ferdinand roared back to life last year with new album Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action, with all their stomp, sass, and grooves still punching with full force. Evil Eye, a campy, organ laced, dance punk standout from the record is the bands Take Me Out, by the way of Rockwells Somebodys Watching Me, with singer Alex Kapranos delivering paranoid freak outs, desperately trying to be the coolest cat on your Halloween playlist, and mostly succeeding. Bela Lugosis DeadBauhaus. Bauhaus were just so damnably if unintentionally silly in their deadly serious Goth kings pose, and their big Goth disco hit so over the top in its hamfisted obviousness, how could it not make everyones Halloween song top 1. The Hunger soundtrack for that matter It was a song ready made and pre packaged for the teen vampire renaissance that would come along 2. Gotta admit, for all its cartoon imagery, its still pretty catchy. Satan Rejected My SoulMorrissey. The joke here being that Morrissey is so evil that even Satan wants nothing to do with his shenanigans. Oh Moz, dont ever change.