Le Premier Cri Full Movie' title='Le Premier Cri Full Movie' />Gaston Disney Wiki FANDOM powered by Wikia. Gaston is a featured article, which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. Gaston. Personality. Arrogant, mysterious, egotistical, ruthless, boorish, greedy, hateful, simple minded, disrespectful, uncaring, rude, conceited, vain, self centered, traitorous, prejudicial, narcissistic, argumentative, chauvinistic, xenophobic, petty, murderous, persuasive, cowardly, stubborn, persistent, sexist, smart, spoiled, merciless, violent, conniving, backstabbing, superficial, attentive, impatient, envious, cold hearted, quick tempered. Appearance. Slender, handsome, extremely muscular, fair skin, double chinned, hairy chested, long black hair tied to a brief ponytail with a red band, thick eyebrows, blue eyes. OccupationTown heroHunter. Gaston is the main antagonist of Disneys 1991 animated feature film, Beauty and the Beast. He. Custom Avatars. Take a mugshot or selfie of your character and use it as your Social Club Avatar. Sign up now. Goal. To marry Belle failedLikes. Mio Moov 200 Maps. Himself, eggs, beautiful women mainly Belle, attention, hunting, ale, food made from his latest killings, killing animals, the idea of having sons with Belle, making fun of Maurice, getting his way, abusing Le. Fou. Dislikes. Being humiliated, Belles love for the Beast, women reading or thinking, the Beast, Le. Fous stupidity, not getting his way, Belle rejecting him, mud. Powers and abilities. The-Borrowers-1997.jpg' alt='Le Premier Cri Full Movie' title='Le Premier Cri Full Movie' />Strength. Excellent hunting skills. Weapons. Blunderbuss. His fists. Bow and arrow. Makeshift club. Hunting knife. Fate. Falls to his death from a balcony at the Beasts castle. QuoteBelle, its about time that you got your head out of those books and paid attention to more important things. Ill have Belle for my wife. Make no mistake about that. No one says No to GastonIf I didnt know better, Id think you had feelings for this monster. Its over, Beast Belle is MINEHes handsome, all right, and rude and conceited. Oh, Papa, hes not for me. Belle expressing her dislike for Gaston to her father. Gaston is the main antagonist of Disneys 1. Em-_zVY/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Le Premier Cri Full Movie' title='Le Premier Cri Full Movie' />Acteurs Jackie Chan, Hwang Jang Lee, Siu Tien Yuen Le Film Chien est le souffre douleur dune cole darts martiaux et subit humiliations sur. Listen to more Simple Minds httpsSimpleMinds. Essentials Acoustic 12 songs reimagined acoustically out now on CDVinylStreamDownload. Guinness World Records, known from its inception in 1955 until 1998 as The Guinness Book of Records and in previous United States editions as The Guinness Book of. Beauty and the Beast. He was an arrogant, chauvinistic hunter who was determined to have Belles hand in marriage, even by force if necessary. This obsession turned him into a ruthless, traitorous villain, especially when he found out that Belles love was not for him, but for a Beast. Background. An egotistical hunter who vies for Belles hand in marriage and is determined not to let anyone else win her heart, even if it means killing her true love. Development. In the 1. Gaston himself did not exist, there did exist three suitors for Belle who competed for her hand in marriage who were ultimately similar to him, and shared the role of antagonist with Belles wicked sisters. They ultimately were transformed into animals, alongside Belles sisters, by the Enchantress as punishment for their misdeeds, including nearly murdering the Beast. In the 1. 98. 9 screenplay, the three suitors were condensed into a single character, Gaston. In this version, Gaston was depicted very differently. Instead of a hunter who was the town hero, he was a marquess, or French nobleman. He would have shared the role of antagonist with Belles aunt, Marguerite who would have chosen him as Belles suitor, specifically as revenge towards Maurice who in this version was a failed merchant who lost his wealth at sea, just like in the original tale. In the climax, he was to have traveled to the Beasts Castle, also stealing the Sedan Chair to ensure he tracked down the castle, and upon arrival fight off several of the Enchanted Objects with a rapier before personally dueling the Beast in battle. He also met his fate differently see Death section below. Panasonic Unified Pc Maintenance Console here. Gastons original design. As such, his design was also completely different. He was tall and lank with a mole on the left side of his face and a crooked nose. His attire consisted of a sky blue jacket and a powdered wig tied with a red ribbon. All of these features gave him a somewhat similar appearance to French noblemen, such as Jean Rousseau or Napoleon. After Jeffrey Katzenberg demanded a rewrite to the film, Gastons characterization was altered significantly, being made into the town hero as well as the villages local hunter. According to Linda Woolverton, she had based this version on Gaston on previous unsuccessful relationships, and she had also wanted Belles decrying of Gaston being her suitor whom Woolverton referred to as a blockhead to be the focal point of the film, necessitating that Belles wicked sisters and their respective love interests be left out, as well as cutting her snobbish Aunt Marguerite. Story reels for the original screenplay included in the Platinum and Diamond Editions of the final film indicate that his surname was intended to be Le. Gume, as he is referred to with said name by Marguerite. This acted as a pun on his small minded views. This was presumably dropped by the first draft of Linda Woolvertons treatment of the story, as in both Belle and its reprise, the Bimbettes and Belle referred to him and herself as Monsieur Gaston and albeit sarcastically Madame Gaston respectively, implying that Gaston was his surname. In addition, Linda Woolvertons initial draft of what would become the story of the film had his role largely being similar, although he would have paid slightly more attention to the triplets by giving them a handsome look their way during the opening song, and also proceeded to sarcastically give his review of a book Belle was reading, and also supplied her with a trophy as a gift. King`S Quest 7. In addition, Gaston when learning the failure of his plans and Belle falling for Beast, also nearly attempted to hit Belle, but stopped when realizing the villagers were watching. The initial draft also emphasized that Gaston was feared by the village rather than truly loved during the aftermath of the wedding scene, where he went over to the wedding cake in fury and the villagers were horrified. One of the cut lyrics for the Gaston song also had Who breaks hearts like Gaston, implying that even before the Beast entered the picture, Gaston was a very treacherous individual to his friends and allies. Death. Story threads show that in the original screenplay, Gaston would have tried to use his sword to stab the Beast, only to lose his balance and fall off the garden wall to his death. In one of the earliest scripts, Gastons death would have been different, as the battle against Beast would have taken place in the forest. In this early version of the script Gaston would wound the Beast and nearly kill him with his gun, when Belle strikes him from behind with a rock. This would have prompted him to fall off a cliff. Upon trying to stand up, he notices that the wolves who attacked Maurice and Belle earlier are looking at him, and kill him. This idea was scrapped because the writers thought that it was too gruesome and horrible. Although this idea was later used in The Lion King, more specifically in the sequence of Scars death at the hands or rather, jaws of the hyenas. Ironically, the above mentioned scene of Scars death as the final version of the ending was chosen for the exact same reason why Gastons original death was cut The original ending was deemed to be too graphic and scary for a Disney film.