Known Limitations and Workarounds. This section contains information on the known limitations and. Oracle VM. Issues that are related to Oracle VM Server for. Only in the title. Issues that are related to Oracle VM Server for SPARC only are marked with. SPARC Only in the title. Issues that are. related to both x. Fix8 is available in two editions the open source community supported version and Fix8Pro, the commercially supported version. New features and enhancements. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. SPARC platforms do not have any special. Oracle VM Manager User Interface. This section contains the known issues and workarounds related to. Yum Install Heartbeat No Package Available' title='Yum Install Heartbeat No Package Available' />Oracle VM Manager user interface. Only One Instance of the UI Per Browser Supported. If you connect to the Oracle VM Manager UI in a web browser twice, in two. Workaround You should only. Oracle VM Manager UI per web browser. Bug 1. 30. 34. 72. Pending Jobs Are Terminated When the Browser is Closed. Closing the web browser tab or the entire browser that has been. Oracle VM Manager results in the closure of the session. Web. Logic server, within the specified timeout. By default this is set to 3. Any open or. pending jobs associated with the session are aborted after this. Workaround Ensure that the. Oracle VM Manager is running is not. Bug 1. 58. 38. 02. Parent Jobs May Not Indicate Completed Status. Im sorry, theres no heartbeat, my doctor said to me. She didnt sound very sorry, leaving the room so quicklyostensibly so I could pull up my. Some jobs that spawn many sub tasks or child jobs, such as. NFS storage with many refresh servers, may take. Oracle VM Manager user interface. This can. cause some actions to be blocked until all of the child jobs. The status of all spawned child jobs is correctly indicated in. Jobs View within the Oracle VM Manager user interface. Bug 1. 59. 46. 11. Create New VM Wizard Creates a New Virtual Machine Even When the Wizard. Cancelled. The Create New VM Wizard consists of a series of steps, some of. Once the required parameters have been. If you attempt to cancel out of the wizard once you. Workaround Simply delete the. Bug 1. 59. 68. 68. Guest VM Console May Not Work On Oracle Linux or Windows Client. The Guest VM Console accessible from Oracle VM Manager may not work. Java Runtime Environment. JRE in conjunction with some web browsers and operating. The JRE that has been shown to work most consistently. Java SE6 Update 3. On some systems other versions of the JRE. Workaround While it is. JRE, it is. recommended that to use the Guest VM Console in Oracle VM Manager, you. JRE along with any. Java SE6 Update 3. Oracle VM Manager. Bug 1. 44. 97. 29. Bug 1. 42. 76. 51. Packages to be Installed on Oracle VM Manager to Enable Guest Serial Console and. VNC Console. RPM Packages are available to ensure the correct functioning of. Guest Serial Console and the VNC Console within Oracle VM Manager. These packages must be. Oracle VM Manager host. The packages that must be. Tight. VNC package which provides VNC access to. JTA package which is used to. VNC access is only available for x. Serial console. access is available for both x. SPARC guests. Packages are available at Oracles public yum server. Bug 1. 43. 95. 33. SPARC Only Guest Serial Console From Oracle VM Manager is Unresponsive When the. VM is running the Installation Configuration Tool. Opening a guest serial console from Oracle VM Manager for a SPARC guest. This. tends to happen when the VM is running the installation. Workaround Use w to get write. Then refresh the console display. Ctl L. If that does not work, type for a break, then. VM and watch it reboot in the console. Thereafter the console should work properly. Bug 1. 48. 03. 29. IPv. 6 Updates On Some Microsoft Windows Guests Do Not Reflect in Oracle VM Manager. On Microsoft Windows guests prior to Microsoft Windows Vista, if. IPv. 6 address is changed and the IPv. Oracle VM Manager does not reflect the IP address change until. IPv. 4 address is changed as well. Bug 1. 40. 05. 82. Drag and Drop to Invalid Targets Fail Without an Error Message. If you drag and drop a resource, such as a virtual machine or. Please see. Drag and Drop in the Oracle VM Users Guide for more. Bug 1. 59. 57. 92. Incorrect Text Color After Acknowledging VM Errors. After acknowledging an error event on a virtual machine, the. Event. Severity column of the Virtual. Machines perspective in the. Servers and VMs tab is. The error event has been. Workaround Navigate to another. UI, then return to the Virtual. Machines perspective in the. Servers and VMs tab. The text is the correct color, black. Bug 1. 40. 27. 05. Oracle VM Servers and Server Pools. This section contains the known issues and workarounds related to. Oracle VM Servers and server pools. It is Possible to Incorrectly Add SPARC Servers to an empty Xen Server. Pool in Oracle VM Manager. If a server pool has been created within Oracle VM Manager and has been. Xen hypervisor, but all servers have been. SPARC servers to the server pool in the Edit Server Pool dialog. Server pools must contain a homogenous collection of either. SPARC or x. 86 servers. If you are managing both, make certain. SPARC and x. 86 servers within the same server. In cases where a server pool already contains servers, the list. Bug 1. 43. 60. 72. Unable to Edit Virtual IP Field After A Server Pool is Created. When a server pool has finished being created, if an incorrect. IP address was entered into the Virtual IP field, it is not. IP address. The only way to resolve this is to remove all the servers from. Bug 1. 28. 21. 54. Only Server BIOS Settings. The following server BIOS settings may be required to use. Oracle VM Server. AHCI mode may be necessary to recognize the CDROM device to. CDROM. Disable IO MMU Virtualization Settings for Intel based. VT d for AMD based. AMD Vi or. IOMMU. IO MMU is not supported in this. Only Network Interface in PXE Kickstart File. When using a PXE boot kickstart file to perform an Oracle VM. Server installation, make sure you specify the network interface. If you have more. The. management interface is the only live. PXE install of Oracle VM Server. You should. manually configure any other network interfaces on the Oracle VM. Server to start on boot in the. Set the. ONBOOTNO parameter to ONBOOTYES. Bug 1. 25. 57. 47. Only Oracle VM Server Kickstart Installation Not Supported with Multipath. SAN Boot. When using a PXE boot kickstart file to perform an Oracle VM Server. SAN. The installer option to boot from a multipath. SAN device can only be set manually during the installation. Workaround Some success with a. Create an. etcsysconfigmkinitrdboot multipath. BOOTMULTIPATHyes. Run mkinitrd. Ensure that the etcblkidblkid. Bug 1. 39. 67. 96. Only Dom. 0 Memory Calculations for Servers with More than 1. GB RAM. When installing Oracle VM Server on a machine with more than 1. GB RAM. the memory allocated to Dom. Mobile Food Vendor License Orlando. For example, you may need to increase. Dom. 0 memory in case the Oracle VM Server runs a large number of virtual. LUNs. Dom. 0 memory is calculated as follows 2 of server RAM. MB. However, calculations are cut off at a maximum of. GB RAM, meaning that Dom. GB RAM available. This should be sufficient for most. Dom. 0 memory may be required to. Bug 1. 39. 22. 88. Only Increasing Dom. Memory. There are cases where it may become necessary to increase the. Dom. 0 memory size to meet the demand of running applications. For. example, presenting one i. SCSI LUN takes approximately 3. MB of. system memory. Consequently, a system that uses many LUNs. Workaround Change the amount. Dom. 0. See. Changing the Dom. Memory Size for information on. Dom. 0 memory allocation. Only Setting Default Shell in kdump. Ignored. Editing the kdump. Oracle VM Server. The server reboots, but does not drop to a shell prompt. Bug 1. 59. 38. 73. VMCore Not Generated by Kdump on the Default Path.