Google Docs Viewer Api Q Parameter' title='Google Docs Viewer Api Q Parameter' />Page. Rank Wikipedia. This article needs to be updated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. January 2. Mathematical Page. Ranks for a simple network, expressed as percentages. Google uses a logarithmic scale. Page C has a higher Page. Reaper Themes here. Rank than Page E, even though there are fewer links to C the one link to C comes from an important page and hence is of high value. If web surfers who start on a random page have an 8. Page E 8. 1 of the time. The 1. 5 likelihood of jumping to an arbitrary page corresponds to a damping factor of 8. Google Docs Viewer Api Q Parameter' title='Google Docs Viewer Api Q Parameter' />Without damping, all web surfers would eventually end up on Pages A, B, or C, and all other pages would have Page. Rank zero. In the presence of damping, Page A effectively links to all pages in the web, even though it has no outgoing links of its own. Page. Rank PR is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank websites in their search engine results. Page. Rank was named after Larry Page,1 one of the founders of Google. Page. Rank is a way of measuring the importance of website pages. According to Google Page. Rank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is. The IEX API is a free, webbased API supplying IEX quoting and trading data for mobile, desktop, and trading applications. The underlying assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more links from other websites. It is not the only algorithm used by Google to order search engine results, but it is the first algorithm that was used by the company, and it is the best known. Descriptionedit. Cartoon illustrating the basic principle of Page. Rank. The size of each face is proportional to the total size of the other faces which are pointing to it. PageRank PR is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank websites in their search engine results. PageRank was named after Larry Page, one of the founders of Google. Page. Rank is a link analysis algorithm and it assigns a numerical weighting to each element of a hyperlinkedset of documents, such as the World Wide Web, with the purpose of measuring its relative importance within the set. The algorithm may be applied to any collection of entities with reciprocal quotations and references. The numerical weight that it assigns to any given element E is referred to as the Page. Rank of E and denoted by PRE. PRE. Other factors like Author Rank can contribute to the importance of an entity. A Page. Rank results from a mathematical algorithm based on the webgraph, created by all World Wide Web pages as nodes and hyperlinks as edges, taking into consideration authority hubs such as cnn. Doc-Google-Doc-Embedder.gif' alt='Google Docs Viewer Api Q Parameter' title='Google Docs Viewer Api Q Parameter' />The rank value indicates an importance of a particular page. A hyperlink to a page counts as a vote of support. The Page. Rank of a page is defined recursively and depends on the number and Page. Rank metric of all pages that link to it incoming links. A page that is linked to by many pages with high Page. Rank receives a high rank itself. Numerous academic papers concerning Page. Rank have been published since Page and Brins original paper. In practice, the Page. Rank concept may be vulnerable to manipulation. Research has been conducted into identifying falsely influenced Page. Rank rankings. The goal is to find an effective means of ignoring links from documents with falsely influenced Page. Rank. 6Other link based ranking algorithms for Web pages include the HITS algorithm invented by Jon Kleinberg used by Teoma and now Ask. IBM CLEVER project, the Trust. Rank algorithm and the hummingbird algorithm. HistoryeditThe eigenvalue problem was suggested in 1. Gabriel Pinski and Francis Narin, who worked on scientometrics ranking scientific journals 7 and in 1. Thomas Saaty in his concept of Analytic Hierarchy Process which weighted alternative choices. Page. Rank was developed at Stanford University by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1. Sergey Brin had the idea that information on the web could be ordered in a hierarchy by link popularity A page is ranked higher as there are more links to it. It was co authored by Rajeev Motwani and Terry Winograd. The first paper about the project, describing Page. Rank and the initial prototype of the Google search engine, was published in 1. Page and Brin founded Google Inc., the company behind the Google search engine. While just one of many factors that determine the ranking of Google search results, Page. Rank continues to provide the basis for all of Googles web search tools. The name Page. Rank plays off of the name of developer Larry Page, as well as the concept of a web page. The word is a trademark of Google, and the Page. Rank process has been patented U. S. Patent 6,2. 85,9. However, the patent is assigned to Stanford University and not to Google. Google has exclusive license rights on the patent from Stanford University. The university received 1. Google in exchange for use of the patent the shares were sold in 2. Page. Rank was influenced by citation analysis, early developed by Eugene Garfield in the 1. University of Pennsylvania, and by Hyper Search, developed by Massimo Marchiori at the University of Padua. In the same year Page. Rank was introduced 1. Jon Kleinberg published his important work on HITS. Googles founders cite Garfield, Marchiori, and Kleinberg in their original papers. A small search engine called Rank. Dex from IDD Information Services designed by Robin Li was, since 1. The technology in Rank. Dex was patented by 1. Li founded Baidu in China. Larry Page referenced Lis work in some of his U. S. patents for Page. Rank. 2. 0AlgorithmeditThe Page. Rank algorithm outputs a probability distribution used to represent the likelihood that a person randomly clicking on links will arrive at any particular page. Page. Rank can be calculated for collections of documents of any size. It is assumed in several research papers that the distribution is evenly divided among all documents in the collection at the beginning of the computational process. The Page. Rank computations require several passes, called iterations, through the collection to adjust approximate Page. Rank values to more closely reflect the theoretical true value. A probability is expressed as a numeric value between 0 and 1. A 0. 5 probability is commonly expressed as a 5. Hence, a Page. Rank of 0. Page. Rank. Simplified algorithmeditAssume a small universe of four web pages A, B, C and D. Links from a page to itself, or multiple outbound links from one single page to another single page, are ignored. Page. Rank is initialized to the same value for all pages. In the original form of Page. Rank, the sum of Page. Rank over all pages was the total number of pages on the web at that time, so each page in this example would have an initial value of 1. However, later versions of Page. Rank, and the remainder of this section, assume a probability distribution between 0 and 1. Hence the initial value for each page in this example is 0. The Page. Rank transferred from a given page to the targets of its outbound links upon the next iteration is divided equally among all outbound links. If the only links in the system were from pages B, C, and D to A, each link would transfer 0. Page. Rank to A upon the next iteration, for a total of 0. PRAPRBPRCPRD. displaystyle PRAPRBPRCPRD. Suppose instead that page B had a link to pages C and A, page C had a link to page A, and page D had links to all three pages. Thus, upon the first iteration, page B would transfer half of its existing value, or 0. A and the other half, or 0. C. Page C would transfer all of its existing value, 0. Google Chrome Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Google Chrome. Pengembang. Google Inc. Peluncuran awal. September 2. 00. 8 2. Terbaru. Windows. Maret 2. 01. 4 3 tahun lalu 2. Mac OS X Linux. Maret 2. Mobile versions Android. ARM, x. 86 2. 6 Maret 2. OS3. 3. 0. 1. 75. Maret 2. 01. 4 3 tahun lalu 2. Status pengembangan. Aktif. Bahasa pemrograman. Assembly, C, C, Java, Java. Script, Pythonbutuh rujukanSistem operasi. Android 4. 0 dan terbarui. OS 6. 0 atau terbaru6Linux GCC v. GTK v. 2. 2. 4OS X 1. Windows XP Service Pack 2 dan terbaruMesin. Blink Web. Kit on i. OS, mesin V8 Java. Script. Platformx. ARM ARMv. 7Bahasa. Jenis. Peramban web, peramban web bergerak. Lisensi. Perangkat lunak gratis di bawah Ketentuan Pelayanan Google Chrome7note 1Situs webwww. Artikel ini berisi uraian tentang peramban web. Untuk sistem operasi, lihat Google Chrome OS. Google Chrome adalah sebuah peramban websumber terbuka8 yang dikembangkan oleh Google dengan menggunakan mesin rendering Web. Kit. Proyek sumber terbukanya sendiri dinamakan Chromium. Versi beta untuk Microsoft Windows diluncurkan pada 2 September. Versi Mac OS X dan Linux sudah dirilis1. Logo Google Chrome hingga Maret 2. Google Chrome pertama kali di rilis oleh Google pada tanggal 2 September 2. Microsoft Windows karena masih dalam status beta. Lalu pada 1. 1 Desember pada tahun yang sama Google Chrome di luncurkan untuk semua sistem operasi karena telah mencapai versi stabil. Dan pada bulan Januari 2. Google Chrome diperkirakan telah berhasil meraih presentase 2. Mozilla Firefox, menurut sejumlah sumber. Logo Google Chrome mulai Maret 2. Keterangan Warna. Maksud. Merah. Rilis Versi Lama. Hijau. Rilis Versi Terbaru. Biru. Rilis Versi Beta. Ungu. Rilis Versi dev. Daftar Versi. Tanggal Rilis. Versi Web. Kit1. Versi V8 engine version1. Pendukung Sistem Operasi. Keterangan Pengubahan. Windows. Rilis Pertama. Peningkatan kinerja dan kehandalan Plugin. Pemeriksaan ejaan untuk bidang masukan. Peningkatan kinerja web proxy dan keandalan. Tab dan pemutakhiran jendela manajemen. Manajer penanda dengan impor dan dukungan ekspor. Bagian privasi ditambahkan ke pilihan aplikasi. Baru diblokir pemberitahuan popup. Rilis Stabil Pertama. Java. Script Sun. Spider. Dukungan mouse wheel. Download Army Golden Master Program Windows 7. Mode layar penuh. Halaman penuh zum. Formulir autofill. Urutkan menurut judul bookmark. Tab docking untuk tepi browser dan desktop. Dasar Greasemonkey dukungan1. Java. Script. HTML5 video dan audio yang mendukung tag. Ringan theming. 4. Ekstensi. Bookmark sinkronisasi. Alat pengembang ditingkatkan. Peningkatan mendukung HTML5. Peningkatan kinerja. Kendali Acid. 3 lulus. HTTP byte rentang dukungan. Peningkatan keamanan. Eksperimental baru anti tercermin XSS fitur yang disebut Auditor XSS. Terjemahkan infobar. Fitur privasi baru. XSS Auditor dinonaktifkan1. Windows. Mac. Linux. Peningkatan kinerja Java. Script. Sinkronisasi preferensi browser. Peningkatan mendukung HTML5 Geolokasi API, App Cache, soket web, dan file drag and drop. Revamped bookmark manager. Adobe Flash Player terintegrasi. Diperbarui dan UI lebih ramping dengan disederhanakan Omnibox. Halaman tab baru. Digabung tombol menu. Formulir Autofill. Mendukung sinkronisasi diperluas untuk memasukkan ekstensi dan data Autofill. Dukungan untuk Web. M video. Perbaikan untuk kinerja dan stabilitas. Built in mendukung PDF dinonaktifkan secara bawaan. Terutama rilis stabil dengan ratusan perbaikan bug. Diimplementasikan algoritma parsing HTML5. Berkas API. Direktori upload melalui tag input. Mac OS X versi diperoleh Apple. Script dukungan untuk otomatisasi UI2. Akhir mengikat diaktifkan untuk SSL permintaan prioritas tinggi sekarang selalu dikirim ke server pertama. Opsi baru untuk mengelola cookie. Diperbarui Halaman Tab Baru untuk memungkinkan menampilkan aplikasi web. Chrome Web Store. Built in penampil PDF yang bekerja di dalam sandbox Chrome untuk meningkatkan keamanan. Perluasan dukungan sinkronisasi untuk memasukkan aplikasi web. Peningkatan penanganan plug in. Rilis ini menambahkan about bendera untuk menampilkan fitur eksperimental seperti Chrome Instan, sisi tab pada Windows, Pengaturan Tab, Klik untuk Memutar, aplikasi latar belakang web, Remoting, Nonaktifkan usang plug in, Auditor XSS, proxy Cloud Cetak, GPU Accelerated compositing, dukungan Web. GL untuk elemen kanvas, dan Tab Ikhtisar mode seperti Expose untuk Macintosh. Web. GL diaktifkan secara bawaan. Adobe Flash sandboxing pada Windows dan Chrome Instan la Google Instan pilihan. Web. P dukungan. 2. Bendera baru Print Preview, GPU Accelerated Compositing, GPU Accelerated kanvas 2. D, Google Native Client, CRX kurang Web Apps, Web Halaman Prerendering, API Ekstensi Eksperimental, Nonaktifkan audit hyperlink. Google Print Cloud sign in antarmuka diaktifkan secara bawaan. Diimplementasikan secara parsial sandboxing dari proses GPU. Cepat kinerja Java. Script karena penggabungan crankshaft, kompiler ditingkatkan untuk V8. Pengaturan halaman yang terbuka di tab, daripada kotak dialog. Malware pelaporan dan menonaktifkan plugin usang. Sandi sync ditambahkan ke Chrome Sync dan diaktifkan secara bawaan. GPU Accelerated Video. Latar Belakang webapps. Navigation ekstensi API. Pidato HTML5 Masukan API. Diperbarui ikon. 3. Akselerasi perangkat keras 3. D CSS. Baru Penjelajahan Aman perlindungan terhadap mengunduh berkas jahat. Kemampuan untuk menghapus Flash cookies dari dalam Chrome. Peluncuran Apps dengan nama dari Omnibox ini. Sync terintegrasi ke halaman pengaturan baru. Peningkatan dukungan pembaca layar. Peringatan baru ketika memukul Command Q pada Mac. Baru bendera API P2. P. Ada tab pada latar pada terbuka. Eksperimental tab halaman baru. Tambahkan pengelompokan untuk tab menu konteks. Jalankan PPAPI Flash dalam proses penyaji. Beberapa Profil. Dihapus Google Gears. Cetak dan Simpan tombol di PDF viewer3. Pengelompokan tab. Pra rendering halaman web. Fokus ada pada tab terbuka. Akselerasi 2. D kanvas sekarang diaktifkan. Indexed. DB Level. DB. Batasi Instan Untuk pencarian. Google Instan Halaman. Penyempitan Cetak Pratinjau. Eksperimental tab halaman baru. Kompak navigasi. 1. Penerjemah Bahasa dan Password Bar Saver sekarang abu abu, bukan biru. Tab halaman baru Eksperimental sekarang memiliki thumbnail kode warna dan beralih antara Apps dan tombol Sering dikunjungi sekarang lebih kecil. Profil Eksperimental switcher Beberapa telah dipindahkan ke kiri langsung dari tab bar, dan diwakili oleh sebuah cupcake. Google Chromes Web. Kit layout engine and V8 Java. Script engine are all Free and open source software. Other parts may be open source or proprietary. Google Chromes Terms of Service makes the entire package proprietary freeware. Terms of Service text, section 9. Stable Channel Update. Chrome Releases. Blogger. March 1. 4, 2. 01. Diakses tanggal March 1. Stable Channel Update. Chrome Releases. Blogger. March 1. 4, 2. 01. Diakses tanggal March 1. Chrome. Google Play. Google. March 2. 8, 2. Diakses tanggal October 4, 2. Chrome for Android Update. Chrome Releases blog. Google. March 2. 6, 2. Diakses tanggal March 2. Google Inc. March 2. Chrome. App Store. Apple. Diakses tanggal March 2. Chrome for i. OS Update. Kesalahan pengutipan Tag lt ref tidak sah tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama google eulaKesalahan pengutipan Tag lt ref tidak sah tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama TOSChromium. Google Code. Diakses tanggal 2. Pichai, Sundar Upson, Linus 2. A fresh take on the browser.